Literacy, Art and Technology is a multi part project that weaves together reading culturally relevant stories, discussions, collaboration, visual arts and podcasting. Teaching artists create a safe and respectful space for students to share and explore their insights and feelings as they relate to the stories read.

This highly successful program currently utilizes three texts:

Literacy, Art and Technology is creating inspirational opportunities for students to engage and invest in reading not because of some special curriculum or testing based assessment.  Our high levels of student engagement are made manifest because of the freedom we create for our teaching artists to create a safe environment for their students based on the needs they see on the ground.  Our teaching artists inspire our students to simply be who they are; they are able to share who they are in a safe and respectful environment without assessment or evaluation.

Our students are enhancing their reading skills and their desire to read without actually realizing that they’re learning.  When students start to become readers because they are inspired to do so, that is the magic of Literacy, Art and Technology. 

Be sure to reach out to Audacity today to learn how you can bring this powerful program to your school today!  Click here to contact us now.